Dr. Thomas Maliekal, alongside the compassionate retired government nurses Sister Philomena and Sister Shirley Peter, embarked on a noble mission to illuminate the importance of healthcare within the coastal region. A beacon of health consciousness, they orchestrated a Lifestyle Diagnosis Camp, gracefully overseen by dedicated palliative volunteers Mrs Joyce Anthony, Mrs Missouri Sam, and Mrs Haizel Joy. Together, they harmoniously worked towards fostering awareness and well-being in the community, leaving an indelible mark of care and compassion.
The distinguished President of Karunya Sangha Vedi, Mr. P. K. Natesan, took the helm as the presiding authority, while the esteemed cartoonist and member of the Kochi Biennale Board of Directors, Mr Bonnie Thomas, graced the occasion by inaugurating the meeting. The assembly was addressed by key figures including General Secretary Mr. P. G. Lawrence, Secretary Mrs. Ambili Kalesh, Program Coordinator Mr. P. T. Boniface, along with Mr. Sebastian Bernard, Mr. Anthony Palluruthy, Mrs. Jiji Jacob Mariamma, Mrs. Mary Lizzie, and Mrs. Bridea. Each speaker brought unique perspectives and insights to the gathering.