Under the auspices of the Karunya Sangha Vedi, Kochi, a monthly lifestyle disease identification camp for coastal communities was held on 12th October 2024 at the Karunya Sangha Vedi's office hall. The monthly lifestyle disease identification camp commenced at 7 AM. Dr. Thomas Maliyekkal led the camp. In the presence of President Mr. P.K. Nateshan, Vice President Mrs. T.P. Sophia, General Secretary Mr. P.G. Lawrence, Treasurer Mr. Sebastian Bernard, and Program Coordinator Mr. P.T. Boniface, Mrs. Joyce Antony, Mrs. Shirley Peter, Mrs. Missouri Sam, and Susan conducted blood sugar and pressure tests. Breakfast was provided to all participants at the camp and the food kit distribution to poor patients was well-managed by Mrs. T.J. Jayan, Mrs. A.S. Ambili, Mrs. Brida Baby, Mr. Antony Palluruthy, Mrs. P.M. Safiya and Mrs. Shalini Kunjumon. Additionally, in collaboration with a medical lab in Kochi, opportunities for low-cost cholesterol, thyroid, and other specialized tests were provided at the camp. More than the usual number of individuals participated in today’s medical camp. The camp's proceedings concluded swiftly, and arrangements for a nine o'clock awareness class were organized.
The awareness class began with a prayer song by Mr. Antony Palluruthy. The awareness class held in connection with World Palliative Day was led by the renowned oncologist in Kerala, Dr. Mohanan Nair, who spoke on the topic of precautions to prevent cancer. Dr. Thomas Maliyekkal, a recipient of the Star of Italy award and the Italian Government's Consul in Kerala, inaugurated the session. Mr. Saburaj, a prominent physiotherapist, explained simple physiotherapy methods to avoid health issues. After the second session concluded, dialyzers were distributed to dialysis patients.
Following this, a team of nine KSV volunteers visited the old house of Mrs. Mary Chechi near Fort Kochi, where we regularly provide monthly food kits. The house, which was dilapidated and leaking, was in a very pitiable condition. During a discussion about addressing the unfortunate state of the house, Mr. Zakir Hussain, a volunteer from the Karunya Sangha Vedi, took on the responsibility and personally purchased a good quality tarpaulin. He brought two workers along and under Mr. Zakir's leadership, effectively spread the sheet over the roof, ensuring that the main rooms of the house were protected from rainwater. The President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Program Coordinator, Mrs. T.J. Jayan, Mrs. P.M. Safiya, and Shalini Kunjumon also visited this residence and offered the necessary support and assistance.